Monday, December 29, 2008

Family Reunion

This morning we stopped at the store one last time to get the rest of the candy that needed to go into the book bags, which were the Christmas presents for the Havilla children. Once all bags were filled we were on our way for our last day with Joseph and his AMAZING family of 47 kids that all call him Dad. It's been such an honor for each of us to have met them along our way on this incredible journey. We all agree that Joesph is truly one of a kind. He is the most spirit filled person - full of joy, grace, and hope.

While at the home we helped them with their everyday chores; washing dishes, landscaping/leveling, fixing dinner. We then had the privilege to serve dinner to all that were there. One huge eye opener was that there were 10 year old children with knifes cutting up the meat for dinner and using a machete to remove tree trunks from the ground. That's just not something we see at home. Don't get me wrong, we have all witnessed many new and wonderful things in these past couple days. In order for the meal to be cooked the kids had to start a fire - children...a fire...that's just something that you don't see at home. Here it is for them, just day in Havilla; wake up and making breakfast for50, wash clothes for 50, clean up the house, and help wtih the completion of their new home. They hope to be moved in by March 2009. It was a very emotional day for us, witnessing these things, loving on the children and then leaving knowing that this might very well be the last time that we would see them, and being blessed once again with songs from all.

It was so amazing to have a few of the aunts, uncles, and grandparents there to share our time with the children. Some of these family members walked for miles/hours to come and see the children and meet us. It's such a loving environment that kids from the community are welcomed and flock to Havilla. The elder ladies blessed us with a few songs and we even got up and then joined in while they sang. What amazing memories we are all going to be able to take home! After the songs from the elders, the children got up and told us their favorite Bible verse and then what it means to them. They are filled with God's love and it exudes from them in everything they do.

After serving an early dinner to everyone it was time for our team to leave Havilla. That might have been the longest good-bye that any of us have ever had. They have all touched our lives in so many different ways. The kids from Havilla greeted us with open arms and didn't stop hugging us from time we walked through their gates til we got back on the bus to leave. To be so blessed to have met them, how do you even put that into words?

Tomorrow we are going to Joska, which from what we've heard is completely different from Havilla. In Joska we will be going to a youth camp where most of the youth are former street kids. Since our luggage finally arrive (that's right!!!! it finally arrived!!) will be able to play soccer with them. Well it's late here and time to rest up for the soccer game tomorrow. Thanks for checking in on us and again we LOVE your comments that you leave.

In Him,
410 Bridge Team


  1. Dusty,
    Sounds like you are having a wonderful time,just wanted to say hello and we all miss you> Take care and I will see you soon.
    Love Dad

  2. Hi Katie!
    I'm so glad to hear your luggage arrived finally! What an answer to prayer!
    It sounds like things there are just amazing. I'm so excited to hear more (and see pix) when you get home, and when we start our new Bible Study together...YAY!
    I think I heard that Hayden is on this trip with you too, so if so, tell her Hi as well. Love to you both...

  3. Hi Cassie,
    Glad you made it there safely. We want to hear about your amazing journey when you return. Take care, The Lewis'

  4. WOW!! what a wonderful time at havilla. i'm sure everyone there was as beautifully impacted as you all have been. thanks for the updates!!! i cant wait to read more. love and prayers to everyone! angie b.

  5. Hey Jen!!!
    WOW! No luggage for 3 days?! What a great start to this adventure, huh?
    So glad things are going well and that you are able to be there and minister. We are praying that you will continue to be used mightily of God to be a blessing!
    Love & miss you!!!!!

  6. Katie, I'm so happy to hear about the team's wonderful time in Havilla! I am praying for you daily my sweet friend. I prayed Ephesians 1:18-19 over you this morning. We're missing you at The Lighthouse more and more everyday!
    Much love,

  7. Hey Meredith!!!

    It's with much love that I send this post!!!! I hadn't been getting any of the blogs so I've read each one today which is Tuesday here in the glad you got your luggage...I guess your clothes were really starting to stand on their own...haaa!!! Praise God for safe travels and the wonderful blessings you and the team are experiencing there and the blessings you are giving out!!! How cool to have gotten to see the kids from the children's choir at BIG STUF!!! Can't wait to hear all about things...I will continue in prayer for you!!! Much love from the youth group at FUMC of Lawrenceville!!!

